I am loving that I can finally share some exciting news with you! Our LA besties, C & D are expecting their first child on December 27. This is the life changing news I saw writing about here and here . I am over the moon happy for them and think they will make one cute looking baby!
The happy couple before making the announcement to our LA family.
When they told us 8 weeks ago, I was a little bit shocked to say the least-which I feel bad about. I was afraid the dynamic with our friendship would change. It has, but I understand it. Life changes. People change. It doesn’t mean I don’t care about them or don’t want to spend time with them because I do. They are two of the most important people to me.
I LOVE this picture! C telling me she is starting to show!!!
{I am not knocking anyone’s choice to have a baby. If anything this has put my life into perspective about the decisions MG and I have made. I will be forever grateful. We are thrilled to be apart of this child’s life and can’t wait to spoil him or her rotten. I can’t wait to be Auntie B!}