Friday, November 5, 2010

Bye Bye 20+ lbs

Today I was over at Running in High Heels and I felt totally inspired by Brittney's post. I have been reading her blog for a few months. She is in great shape and defiantly works hard at it.  Based on what I know from her blog, she makes time to workout almost everyday.  Well, I think her newest post might be the inspiration that I needed.

Recently I checked my BMI and was right on the cusp of being considered overweight.  Well this freaked me out.  I have struggled with weight my entire life fluctuating 5 pounds in college and as an adult 10 pounds.  Today is the day I am going to have my eye on the prize, get healthy and watch the fat melt away. 

How am I going to do it?
1. Track my food.  Everything I put into my mouth will be written down.
2. Exercise my butt off literally!  We have a gym at work so I will be hitting it during my lunch break 3 times a week and then hit our gym in Westwood at night with MAG 2-3 times a week.
3. Reward myself when I hit my goals {not with food}.

Current Weight: 150 lbs
Goal Weight: 125-130 lbs

1. Run a mile in 11 minutes
2. Train for a 5K
3. Lose 5 lbs by Thanksgiving and not gain it all back at dinner
4. Lose 7 lbs by Christmas
5. Lose 7 lbs by Valentines Day
6. Lose whatever else my body will let me naturally just in time for Melissa's big day!
6. Keep the weight off for good!!!

I am open to any and all suggestions you might have!

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Alisha said...

Keep at it! All the hard work WILL pay off in the end. I was in the same boat earlier this spring, so far, I'm down 12 pounds. Motivation right now: my upcoming wedding! After the wedding I'll need a new motivator. :) You CAN do this!

Lauren said...

Oh girl, I LOVE THIS! I so need to do this myself. I have been saying for years I will lose the weight I have put on since my Junior year of college. I need to just do it! And Melissa's big day is a good date to strive for.

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