Wednesday, October 24, 2012

a pin & getting your run on

Pinterest.  This sight seriously fills my soul.

I have been feeling a void in my workouts lately.  As much as I love hot yoga I am starting to realize I can't do it everyday like I have been doing this month.
I need variety.

Last night I was talking with M telling him how much I missed running.  I can't wait for Saturday to hit for our morning run by the beach.  Both of us always feel so invigorated afterwards-it is the perfect start to our weekend.

Yesterday when I was browsing pins I came across this article.  If you are a runner or thinking about starting, I think this will motivate you.


{via here}


Jeannie Leigh said...

I loved that article! Running and I are trying to be friends (I keep getting shin splints) but it sure makes me happy to just get out and run! How do you like hot yoga? I've taken a semester before and it was incredible. Maybe I should start up again...

Stephanie said...

I've been getting back into running over the past month and I love it!! Great article! I'll think about the ATP going into action on my run tonight!

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