Looking back on 2011 brings lots of smiles to my face. It was a year filled with growing, surprises, changes and love. Here is my year in review...
We rang in the new year with friends Mad Men style.
I spent lots of nights with the girls.
I won my work Super Bowl pool! $800 in my pocket:)
My mom won teacher of the year!
My sisters BF went to Afghanistan for his first deployment with the Marines {he arrived home safely in September}.
I threw an Oscar party for my favorite night of the year.
I started running more, a lot more.
Celebrated Mardis Gras in Hollywood with our best friends.
Learned that my best friend/SIL and her husband were planning on moving back to GA later that Spring.
Kanye West visited my office.
Went to my first work party in Hollywood.
My BIL came to visit us for a week.
Foster the People entered my life and it hasn't been the same since!
We threw an insane Easter party...random I know.
Traveled to Atlanta for my childhood best friends wedding!
Wills and Kate tied the knot!
Booked our trip to Cabo
I made no sew curtains for our bedroom
I put together by top 32 by 32 list
We could finally talk about C&D expecting their baby boy!
My parents came to visit
Celebrated my bday in Coronado/San Diego
Carmageddon happened
My college bestie came to visit
I enrolled in a month of Bar Method classes
We bought a new car
Bar Method and The Help took over my life
We went to Cabo
My BF starred in a new movie, Drive
Booked a trip to SF for Marco's bday
College Football season started
Ross came back home from Afghanistan
Marco and I celebrated our 4 year wedding anniversary
Participated in my first Blogger Meet-Up!
The Ocean Black went on Kickstarter
Spent lots of Saturday's at C&D's for college games
Marco's parents came to visit
Marco turned 30!
Celebrated in San Francisco
LA Family Thanksgiving
Broncos/Chargers game in SD
Kanye West & Jay-Z concert
Baby Decker arrived on 12/15
Trip to Atlanta for Christmas
We bought a new car
Bar Method and The Help took over my life
We went to Cabo
My BF starred in a new movie, Drive
Booked a trip to SF for Marco's bday
College Football season started
Ross came back home from Afghanistan
Marco and I celebrated our 4 year wedding anniversary
Participated in my first Blogger Meet-Up!
The Ocean Black went on Kickstarter
Spent lots of Saturday's at C&D's for college games
Marco's parents came to visit
Marco turned 30!
Celebrated in San Francisco
LA Family Thanksgiving
Broncos/Chargers game in SD
Kanye West & Jay-Z concert
Baby Decker arrived on 12/15
Trip to Atlanta for Christmas