My parents belong to North Point Community Church. They have been members there since I was a sophomore in high school. At the time I was at the rebellion stage and had no interest in going to church with them. I was raised Episcopalian and attended church every Sunday growing up. Before I moved, I would attend church with my parents sporadically and think that it was awesome, but it was never anything I would attend on my own. None of my friends in college/post-college were into that sort of "thing."
Lately I have been feeling a little empty inside. At first I thought it was mainly because my girlfriends lives were changing without me. To be honest this does have a little to do with it, but what I have realized over the past few months I have had no one to help guide me on my path besides myself and MG.
For awhile now I have been thinking about NPCC and their podcasts. I have never made the time to listen to them until today {my car is in the shop}. This is exactly what I have been missing in my life.
Andy Stanley is the pastor. He is so charismatic, passionate and animated when he speaks you can't help but want to listen. I started with the Road to Recovery series. I have only listened to the first message, but it is exactly what I needed to hear. I feel that MG and I are at a point in our life where we can make even better decision to benefit us down the road. We just need to stay true to who we are and our values. I think what I love the most about his message is how he incorporates real life issues with the words from the bible. If you are ever feeling a little bit lost I would highly recommend checking out the podcasts. For the rest of the day you can find me cleaning our apartment and crafting while listening to Andy Stanley:)
One more minor note: Go Gators!
Have a wonderful weekend:)