My absolute FAVORITE thing about Fall is College Football.
Ever since I was a little girl {7th grade} my Saturday's have revolved around the SEC football schedule.
Even on my wedding day I woke up early with this girl so we could catch college game day.
Yes, some may think I am weird, but if you are a female from the south and you don't do this then you are weird
{I tease, not every woman does this, just the die hard fans}.
When co-workers ask me what my weekend plans are my answer is always the same, college football:)
I didn't go to a school with a football team. That is one thing I will always look back on and wish I did differently.
In my head this is the type of tailgating party I will be throwing this weekend for Florida/Auburn, LSU/Tennessee and Ole Miss/Alabama.
I'm with you girl! I love my Gamecocks! Fall is my favorite time of year, and it definitely involves A LOT of football!
YES! SEC football is a way of life. That's what our plans are, every Saturday! I went to UGA though, so I see we have a rivalry :)
I totally understand what you are saying! My weekends revolve around game times. I think I have everyones schuedle memorized. Roll Tide :)
i'm so glad Julie invited to you to come yesterday, thanks for coming down from Santa Monica!! I'm following you now and I loved your accessories you were wearing the kendra scott earrings and the bracelets, cute!
This is great. Maybe I'll take all you girls up on the fantasy football thing. It was great meeting you yesterday!
- Sarah
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