September 2009 MG and I were invited to go on a camping trip up to Yosemite with C & D and their couple friends.
It was one of the best trips of my life.
Camping? One of the best trips of your life? Are you for real?
The answer is yes!
There was just something about the people who we were with and the setting that I will never forget.
It was perfect.
We have been talking for awhile now about planning our next camping trip. I am eager to go again soon. I want to sit by the camp fire, roast marshmallows and look up at the stars.
Are you a camper? Do you like the idea of camping, but it's not your cup of tea?

I am most definitely not a camper, and I've said no every time my mother in law asks us if we want to go camping with them...but I haven't been since I was in high school, so maybe it's time I give it another shot? You make it sound like so much fun!
I love camping!! I don't think I appear to be an outdoorsy kind of girl, but I love it!
We went around this time last year up to Big Sur, gorgeous!! If only we had more free weekends I'd so be planning another trip...
omg i love camping :) how fun girl! if you're interested I'm giving away a Starbucks Gift Card on my blog :) come check it out!
what a great trip with friends! i love camping and my husband and i have been talking for a while we need to do it but we haven't yet gotta get more on the ball!! make plans to go again with your friends britt!
I never saw myself as a camper, but I loved it when I went! I want to go again! In Oklahoma, it's hard to find the perfect weather to camp. I mean, today's high was 85.. in October. This weekend, the low is going to be freezing with a high of 60. It's seriously frustrating to plan ANYTHING outdoors.. haha..
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