I'm LOVING this afternoon we get to pick up MG's new car! It is crazy how everything works out. We bought at 2001 Jeep Cherokee with less than 85K miles on it. It is in pristine condition, gray with tinted windows and a tape deck! Yep, no CD player. Pretty much identical to the one above.
I'm LOVING how sore my body is today. Yesterday's BM class was a real workout. In 6 classes I am starting to notice a difference in my arms, stomach and a little bit in my legs. I also have to credit my decent eating habits.
I'm LOVING my obnoxious nail polish color. It is bright pink with rainbow glitter. Not sure why I added the glitter, I guess I wanted to feel like barbie or Ke$ha.
I'm LOVING/hating J Crew right now. They are always sending me email on new arrivals/sales and I want everything. Seriously how cool would it be to get a new wardrobe every season.
I'm LOVING that we have started shopping for Christmas this year. We started last week actually. Every year when Christmas comes around it is such a rush to get gifts, wrap and send them. This year we are going to take our time and find the perfect gift for each person on our list. I already have a spreadsheet going...typical!
I'm LOVING that I made an appointment to get my hair highlighted and trimmed next week. It needs it bad! Even MG told me I need to do something. You know it is bad when the hubs notices! (Just kidding with the picture below;)
What are you loving today?!
I found your blog from WILW's!
My hubby had a jeep almost identical to that one and he loved it!
Also, I am in love with that pic of the Christmas tree! Way to go for already starrting your shopping!!
Sweet! A tape deck!
Such a fun post! I love your blog! Congrats on the new car!
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