Wednesday, March 2, 2011

March Madness: Getting Fit Together

I am joining Running in High Heels with Brittney's March Madness program.  Last Christmas I decided that I was going to change my life and start running.  Much to my surprise I have stuck with my resolution and am still running!  The day after Christmas I started Couch to 5K.  This truly motivated me to run at least 3 to 4 times per week.  I have even gotten MAG to start running.  Never in a million years did I think he would be interested running of all things!  I am on week 8 of C25K.  

I have seen pretty amazing changes in my body in the past 2 months.  I don't have a stomach anymore.  Bye-bye fat rolls!  My arms and legs are slimmer and I am developing calf muscles.  Everyday when I wake up I look at myself in the mirror and think, damn I am starting to look good!

Goals for March Madness
1.  Continue to count calories.  I have been using the LoseIt!  app for my iPhone starting last week.  I love it! It really makes me realize what I am putting in my body and how much I am eating.

2.  Lose 4 to 6 pounds.  If I continue running and counting calories then I should be able to do this. Fingers crossed!

3. Incorporate weights into my weekly workouts.  Right now I lift once a week and do a totally body workout.  I have found this isn't really working.  I need to focus on a few areas each time I hit the gym. 

Those are my 3 goals for March.  I have this awesome girls wedding coming up the end of April.  It will be the first time in a long time that I will see some of my old friends back home.  I want to look good.  This is also my half way point for bathing suit season.  Need to start dropping the stubborn lbs!

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1 comment:

emaleigh said...

I have a wedding in June that I'm getting ready for now! Got A LOT to work on, but I'm determined to look GOOD in a dress in June! GOOD LUCK!

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