Friday, September 27, 2013


Five years ago today I walked me down the aisle to meet my now husband at the alter. 

Five years ago we said our goodbyes to friends and family.

Five years ago we left for a world unknown and I couldn’t be more grateful.

In five years we’ve made a pretty nice life for ourselves.

In five years we’ve made amazing friends who have become our new family and made this journey worth it.

In five years we’ve grown up from naive 20-somethings to being more realistic about our journey.

Thank you M for asking me to marry you.  
Thank you for taking me out of the bubble.  
Thank you for constantly supporting me in each venture I peruse.  
Thank you being you, I am eternally grateful for you each and every day.

I love you babe!


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Happy Hump Day!

Hope you are having a wonderful Wednesday!
If you are looking to kill sometime today check out this article.


Monday, September 23, 2013


I love the Emmys mainly because I am a TV whore.  Breaking Bad, Homeland, Girls, Modern Family and Scandal are just a couple of my favorites at the moment.  I love when Hollywood gets dressed up for a fancy night out to celebrate their craft.  Personally, I thought the fashion was a little underwhelming, but there were a couple gems in the mix.

Love this color with her hair.  

When she stepped out on the stage to accept her award I immediately thought she was the best dressed of the night.

Kerry Washington, You. Can. Do. No. Wrong.  #girlcrush

Pale pink with creamy skin=perfection

Tina Fey looks unreal!  Seriously I think this is the best she's ever looked!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Five on Friday

1. Blogging.  Hello old friend, I've missed you!  Hopefully life has settled down for a bit and I can get back into the groove of things.

2. Barry's Bootcamp aka The Kardashian Workout.  Holy hell, have you ever taken one of these classes?  My co-worker talked me into attending with him and this has quickly become one of my favorite ways to blast calories on Friday mornings.  This class makes you believe you are stronger than you think you are and run faster than you think you can.  You can do anything for 30 seconds right?!

3. Kerry Washington, could you be any more beautiful?  Also, can I steal your wardrobe from Scandal.  White is my favorite color to wear after all. Yes, I'm late to the party, but that Lulu jacket you're wearing at the end of season 2 is to die for.  It's already on my Christmas list.

4. Soul Cycle-Brentwood's 1 year anniversary!  A short 10 months ago I stepped into this studio wearing ratty workout clothes for a team ride I planned for my co-workers.  In that 45 minutes my world changed.  This weekend they are celebrating their anniversary with team rides, Pressed Juice, and a photobooth.  Do I sound LA enough for you?! My best girlfriend and I are taking a team ride with two of our favorite instructors.  We can't wait!

5. iOS7. Wednesday night M and I both uploaded our phones and are obsessed.  My favorite new feature? The ombre text messages.  Also, when Apple first announced Apple Radio I swore I would not use it.  Pandora only for this girl, but I gave it a shot and love it.  They are very sneaky with allowing you to purchase the song right there.  


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Stay At Home Housewife

Most days I love coming to work, but today was one of those days I thought to myself, “I could be a really good stay at home housewife.”  If M read my blog he would laugh because in his mind a requirement would be to cook.  In mine, it would be to know how to order takeout. 

7:30-10:30 AM.  Grab some Greek yogurt, watch a little bit of the Today show in bed, get ready to workout at either Soul Cycle/Barry’s Bootcamp or maybe a run depending on the day. 

10:30 AM-1:30 PM. Head home, straighten up our 800 sq foot apartment {see I need this job, right?}, shower, eat lunch, decide what to make for dinner.

1:30-4:30 PM. Run errands/Groceries/Shopping/Watch Days of our Lives/Catch-up on trash TV/Read.

5:30 PM. Start prepping dinner while listening to music.  Meals will be trial and error at the beginning because I seriously have no patients when it comes to cooking.  Or maybe nap from my crazy hard day.  This would also be the time that I text M asking him to come home because I’m bored.  Happens each time I work from home.

6:30 PM. Marco comes home from a long day at work.  We go for a walk or watch whatever sporting event is on that night while I cook dinner.

8:00 PM. Eat dinner while watching Jon Stewart from the night before.  Yes, we eat dinner in front of the TV, don't judge.

10:30 PM. Head to bed and read.

11:30 PM. Lights out.

In my head this sounded way better, but now that I see it on paper it looks like on paper I am not impressed.  As fun as it would be to have the freedom of not working and doing whatever you want, I like the structure.  If you were a stay at home wife what would be on your list?


Tuesday, September 17, 2013


It was Monday of last week.  I didn't feel like working out.  It was my first day at my new position.  I just wanted to go home, but I didn't.  I went running and it was my best run to date.  In less than 2 weeks I run my first 10K.  When I started training, running 6 miles was tough, but all my Soul Cycle/Barry's Bootcamp/TRX/Circuit Training classes have helped me shave time of each mile and I've become more confident each day.  

Today I signed up for my first 1/2 marathon. 13.1 miles.  If you would have told me at the beginning of the year that this would be what I'm crossing off my bucket list I would have laughed in your face.  I guess there is no time like the present.  Who knows, maybe next year is a marathon.  I eventually want to cross that off the list too. 



Monday, September 16, 2013

It's Your Birthday!

This past weekend I had the pleasure of celebrating two of my closest friends birthdays.  Every year they celebrate together, so it pretty much guarantees an eventful night.  Champagne and beer were flowing and we even got a private show to MJ's Smooth Criminal by the birthday boy.  Honestly it wouldn't have been a birthday if he didn't do it.  We like tradition.   Overall we had a great night, but I'm glad their birthday is only once per year.  Too much champs :)

Best Friends

Might be one of my favorites of the night

So happy to call these ladies my friends

With the beautiful birthday girl

The birthday boy and girl rocking their new birthday presents.  Looking sharp!

Hers: Funfetti
His: Chocolate with Bacon
{extra credit to anyone who can name the age in bacon pop culture reference}