Most days I love coming to work, but today was one of those
days I thought to myself, “I could be a really good stay at home
housewife.” If M read my blog he would
laugh because in his mind a requirement would be to cook. In mine, it would be to know how to order
7:30-10:30 AM. Grab
some Greek yogurt, watch a little bit of the Today show in bed, get ready to workout
at either Soul Cycle/Barry’s Bootcamp or maybe a run depending on the day.
10:30 AM-1:30 PM. Head home, straighten up our 800 sq foot
apartment {see I need this job, right?}, shower, eat lunch, decide what to make for dinner.
1:30-4:30 PM. Run errands/Groceries/Shopping/Watch Days of our Lives/Catch-up on trash TV/Read.
5:30 PM. Start prepping dinner while listening to music. Meals
will be trial and error at the beginning because I seriously have no patients
when it comes to cooking. Or maybe nap from my crazy hard day. This would
also be the time that I text M asking him to come home because I’m bored. Happens each time I work from home.
6:30 PM. Marco comes home from a long day at work. We go for a walk or watch whatever sporting
event is on that night while I cook dinner.
8:00 PM. Eat dinner while watching Jon Stewart from the
night before. Yes, we eat dinner in front of the TV, don't judge.
10:30 PM. Head to bed and read.
11:30 PM. Lights out.
In my head this sounded way better, but now that I see it on
paper it looks like on paper I am not impressed. As fun as it would be to have the freedom of
not working and doing whatever you want, I like the structure. If you were a stay at home wife what would be
on your list?
I want to say I would workout like crazy, but I probably would find other things to get into!
I would have to find something. I would be bored if I was just a housewife! However, a couple of weeks as a housewife sounds relaxing :)
I agree - I would be a great SAHW too. :)
I would KILL to be a SAHW...I think that would be the best job in the world. Too bad So Cal doesn't really give us that opportunity!
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