My best dressed of the night goes to Mila Kunis.

I was extremely disappointed in Anne Hathaway's dress selections. In my book RZ failed and it makes me sad to say this because I think she is great. You can check them out here. What did you think?!
The only one I would wear.
James & Anne didn't do a very good job hosting. They were kind of boring. James looked high most of the time. I would grade this years Oscars with a C+. The stage looked great, Kings Speech was amazing, the F-bomb was dropped and Wally Pfitzer won for Best Cinematographer.
Anne was absolutely stunning!! James, I could've done without. And yes, Mila Kunis' dress was gorgeous! LOVE! The music was my favorite part. :)
I agree about Mila! :) I didnt think they were the best hosts either, but I did laugh a couple times... I dunno. It wasn't the best. And aren't there usually more performances? Not a lot..but at least a couple? Maybe I'm imagining that..
I absolutely agree. I hadn't watched the Oscars in a few years (I usually check the dress slideshows online the next day) so the fact when I finally tuned in- this is what I was in for? Big bummer.
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