I'm LOVING Foster the People. After a year of listening to them almost non-stop pretty much they are still my favorite. Marco you should totally get me tickets for my bday {hint, hint}
I'm LOVING this video. If the average age of the Academy wasn't 62 then maybe some of these movies would have been nominated. Yes, I am bitter Drive & 50/50 wasn't nominated for more.
I'm LOVING tomorrow is my Friday! Woo-hoo! This weekend we are off to Sonoma with our friends from Atlanta. Insert huge smile here:)
I'm LOVING Photoshop. I always thought it was a difficult program that I would never learn. M has taught me a couple things so far and I am loving it. He also gave me his 5D from college and his lenses. I am one happy girl right now.
Coming up tomorrow a recap of our Saturday morning in Venice {my new favorite place}